Fan Art Showcase

While unfortunately I don't have an update for this week due to some personal circumstances, Nickwolf suggested I could show off some Work Sucks fan art. Thanks a ton to the ones who let me show their works in this week's update, especially due to such short notice! A lot of talent here:

1st pic: Gayle and Kaz are saved (well, for now) from a monster-kin elephant gang thanks to monster-kin Nickwolf.

2nd pic: Kaz is truly a sight to behold, by being his own celestial body thanks to Queso.

3rd pic: GT shows us how even sillier this chapter could have been!

And last but not least, a monsterous birthday cake greets the crew thanks to Vausch! He also has a brand new bonus comic up, so click below or check it out in the bonus section.

Latest Bonus Comic:

Quill made this! -- quillsparks@gmail.com